Wednesday, 21 November 2007

6 mins wasn't a fluke

I did it again last night: 6:03s. Felt pretty well inflated. Did about 35 packs and it took about 35s to inhale. First contraction at 3:10s! I was pretty blue but clean and again felt light headed about 30s after coming up. Did about 4 full packing stretching breaths in the hour beforehand.


Gavin Gray said...

Big number six again, cool

Still find you'll need the full 5mm suit?
Or could you maintain your body temp with just an Orca 2mm.
Make comp prep less of an effort.

And feeling about light headed, you tried the method of holding in a recovery breath and push down, purpose been to help maintain blood pressure.
(Use Ants as a static exit example)

The arm chair freediver

WaWa said...

Hey Mrs B! Great to hear you are doing so well. Soz i missed you the other night when i called, but as B would have told you I might pop down and see yous in Jan some time. Talk soon. Hope work is fun. No facebook yet, still contemplating on the sanity of signing up ;-). Catch up soon!!