Friday, 30 May 2008

Egypt update

The AIDA board are now reviewing whether or not they're going to allow independant divers, so there is a little hope. Otherwise, Patti, would you like to make your freediving debut at the World Champs this year??? It'll only cost NZ$500 (plus travel and accom which you were going to do anyway) and you'll get a t-shirt and certificate, not to mention that you'll get to stay, train, and compete with some of the world's best freedivers! Doesn't really matter what your results are, you just have to get in the water once. Maybe a quick static. Am I selling it well? It would be fun to have a team. :(


MM said...

Where will you be in Egypt?

KatFish said...

Sharm el Sheik. Do you want to come too? Want to compete? Have you and Patti met up yet?