Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Fantastic dive

Tonight I had the best dive of my life. It was truly amazing, and it was a static (unfortunately). I've been practising some of the exercises that Will taught us on the course, namely dry static negatives while trying to work through the pain barrier, stay totally relaxed and put off contractions. Tonight I did some body stretches and one full lung stretching breath approximately 20-30 mins prior to my dive and no further warm ups. I managed to really block out the world. First contraction was about 4:15. I should note that I had about two little flutters that I wouldn't really call contractions prior to this. Evidently I blew out a little air with a contraction around 5:45 and buddy/coach Chris told me to come up. I was also evidently swaying sideways a little, which I think was more about being in a great meditative state rather than getting to a samba. I eventually came up at 6:12s, but still felt I had a lot left (very encouraging for the future!). I felt very clear and in control for the entire dive. The whole dive was a pretty amazing experience. Now I just have to work on the contractions once they've started, as they still pretty huge...

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